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建築生物  Living Building

建築生物  Living Building

我以香港舊區建築物的碎片和記憶,去重現建築物的空間與關係, 觀看着不同建築物,記憶成了重疊錯落的殘影,現實與想像的交錯幻化出不同的境地,卻又交織出混亂有序,結構緊緻精密的「新」空間 我特別選 鋼筆來繪畫出表演者和舞台,把建築物的碎片組合,形成新的個體/合成物的線條細緻地描繪建築物的痕跡就像消失了的記憶一樣,與 彩描繪的新建築物形成鮮明對比 引領觀眾以另一種形式來觀察被遺忘的城市面貌,重組失落的記憶 。

By how I remember of old buildings in Hong Kong, piece by piece as thousands of fragments to reproduce a spatial structures and the relationships in between old buildings in Hong Kong.  The overlapping memories are blurred and scattered when looking at different buildings.  Reality and imagination staggered out different situation, but intertwined chaos and orderly.  I specially used fountain pen to draw out the stage and the perfo0rmers; the broken combination of the building; the formation of every line, to reconstruct a “new” space.  I meticulously line out the buildings details and contrasting with water color, to let the viewers to see the lost city and elaborate their memories.

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